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Decision Summary

  • Case Ref: FS50211315
  • Date: 17 December 2009
  • Public Authority: University of Leeds
  • Summary: The complainant made a request to the University of Leeds (the “University”) for information relating to the funding, monies and grants provided to the University’s Department of Psychology. The University refused to provide the requested information upon reliance of the provision contained at section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the “Act”) and the exemptions contained at section 21 and section 40(2) of the Act. The Commissioner considers that section 12 was correctly engaged in this case as it would exceed the £450 cost limit to comply with the request. The University is not therefore obliged to comply with the request. The Commissioner has not therefore gone on to consider the exemptions contained at section 21 or section 40(2) any further.
  • View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]