Pages that link to "ICO policy documents: Line to Take"
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The following pages link to ICO policy documents: Line to Take:
Displayed 4 items.
- Application for a decision (← links)
- LTT (redirect page) (← links)
- FOIA Section 21 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 33 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 22 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 37 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 23 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 24 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 26 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 27 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 28 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 29 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 30 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 31 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 32 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 34 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 35 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 36 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 38 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 39 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 40 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 41 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 42 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 43 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 44 Exemption (← links)
- FOIA Section 12 Exemption (← links)
- Vexatious (← links)
- Internal reviews (← links)
- FOIA Section 6 (← links)
- FOIA Section 4 (← links)
- FOIA Section 5 (← links)
- EIR 12(4)(b) (← links)
- EIR 12(3) (← links)
- EIR 12(4)(a) (← links)
- EIR 12(4)(c) (← links)
- EIR 12(4)(d) (← links)
- EIR 12(4)(e) (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(a) (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(c) (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(d) (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(e) (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(f) (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(g) (← links)
- FOIA Section 17 (← links)
- FOIA Section 19 (← links)
- FOIA Section 16 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT1 - Reasonable amount (← links)
- Line to take - LTT2 - Deleted electronic information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT3 - Information deleted after request (← links)
- Line to take - LTT4 - Use of specialist staff or software (← links)
- Line to take - LTT5 - Legal professional privilege under EIR (← links)
- Line to take - LTT6 - Waiver of legal professional privilege (← links)
- Line to take - LTT7 - Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT8 - Clarification of requests (← links)
- Line to take - LTT9 - Issues not raised by complainant (← links)
- Line to take - LTT11 - District Auditors (← links)
- Line to take - LTT12 - Official Receivers (← links)
- Line to take - LTT13 - Prejudice test (← links)
- Line to take - LTT14 - Public interest inherent in exemption / exception (← links)
- Line to take - LTT15 - Public interest in legal professional privilege (← links)
- Line to take - LTT16 - Prejudice to contractual relations (← links)
- Line to take - LTT17 - Investigation of the reasonable opinion of the qualified person (← links)
- Line to take - LTT18 - Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT19 - Applicability of section 30(1) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT20 - Public interest factors for s30 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT21 - Exemptions and exceptions not claimed by a public authority (← links)
- Line to take - LTT22 - Accessibility of court records (← links)
- Line to take - LTT23 - Police Act 1996 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT24 - Public Contract Regulations (← links)
- Line to take - LTT25 - Inspection as a form of publication (← links)
- Line to take - LTT26 - Reasonably accessible information and publication schemes (← links)
- Line to take - LTT27 - Audit Commission Act 1998 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT28 - Legal aid costs (← links)
- Line to take - LTT30 - Disclosure of Vehicle Identification Numbers (← links)
- Line to take - LTT31 - Duty to search only up to the appropriate limit (← links)
- Line to take - LTT32 - Requests for schedules of documents (← links)
- Line to take - LTT33 - Duty to confirm or deny in the EIR (← links)
- Line to take - LTT34 - Responses to 'information not held' cases (← links)
- Line to take - LTT35 - Interpretation of 'reasonable opinion' (← links)
- Line to take - LTT36 - Application of PIT to s36 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT37 - Access to medical records of the deceased (← links)
- Line to take - LTT38 - Definition of court records (← links)
- Line to take - LTT39 - Failure to issue refusal notice in time (← links)
- Line to take - LTT40 - Contracts between public authorities and third parties (← links)
- Line to take - LTT29 - Finding in breach of sections 1, 10 or 17 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT41 - Public interest in confidence (← links)
- Line to take - LTT42 - No inherent public interest in s35 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT45 - Disclosure to public (← links)
- Line to take - LTT46 - Assumption in favour of disclosure (← links)
- Line to take - LTT47 - Date of receipt of request, working days and variations to time for compliance (← links)
- Line to take - LTT48 - Relevant and non relevant public interest factors (← links)
- Line to take - LTT49 - Age of information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT50 - Disclosure of minutes (← links)
- Line to take - LTT51 - "Relates to" (← links)
- Line to take - LTT52 - Statistical Information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT53 - Reliance on s23(5) and s24(2) in conjunction (← links)
- Line to take - LTT54 - National Security (← links)
- Line to take - LTT55 - Evidence from third parties (← links)
- Line to take - LTT56 - Second data protection principle (← links)
- Line to take - LTT61 - Advice to Decision Makers (← links)
- Line to take - LTT62 - Completion of policy formulation and development in relation to the PIT (← links)
- Line to take - LTT63 - Failure to specify an exemption / exception on which the PA later relies (← links)
- Line to take - LTT64 - Neither confirm nor deny (← links)
- Line to take - LTT65 - Vexatious request for published information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT66 - Minutes & agendas (← links)
- Line to take - LTT67 - Public interest in s30(1) & s31 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT68 - Required for purposes of national security (← links)
- Line to take - LTT69 - Partial breach of s17 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT70 - Public interest in preventing crime against individuals (← links)
- Line to take - LTT71 - Addresses of properties (← links)
- Line to take - LTT72 - Timing of reliance on s11 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT73 - BBC America & BBC Worldwide - status (← links)
- Line to take - LTT74 - Consistent treatment of confidential information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT75 - Inter-relation of s35 & s36, and of s30 & s31 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT77 - Information held in electronic or manual files (← links)
- Line to take - LTT76 - Third party on-line databases (← links)
- Line to take - LTT78 - Information held in electronic databases (← links)
- Line to take - LTT80 - Defining environmental information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT81 - Parking enforcement (← links)
- Line to take - LTT82 - "Any information on" (← links)
- Line to take - LTT83 - Future likely effects (← links)
- Line to take - LTT84 - Threshold of "likely to affect" and "may be affected" (← links)
- Line to take - LTT85 - Held otherwise than on behalf of (← links)
- Line to take - LTT87 - Limits of s16 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT86 - Personal Data disclosed in open court (← links)
- Line to take - LTT88 - Clarifying requests (← links)
- Line to take - LTT89 - More than one objective reading of a request (← links)
- Line to take - LTT90 - "Duty" to read a request objectively (← links)
- Line to take - LTT91 - Advice & assistance under the EIR (← links)
- Line to take - LTT92 - Timing at which exemptions and public interest test are to be applied (← links)
- Line to take - LTT93 - Test of confidence (← links)
- Line to take - LTT94 - Necessary quality of confidence (← links)
- Line to take - LTT95 - Obligation of confidence (← links)
- Line to take - LTT96 - Public interest in favour of maintaining a confidence (← links)
- Line to take - LTT98 - Human Rights Act 1998 - Article 8 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT97 - Detriment to the confider (← links)
- Line to take - LTT99 - Past present & future emissions under 12(9) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT100 - Information pre-dating an investigation (← links)
- Line to take - LTT101 - Failure to cite specific exemption section number (FOI) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT102 - Failure to cite specific exception section number (EIR) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT103 - Provision of information under under request headings (← links)
- Line to take - LTT107 - No prejudice / adverse effect test for class based exemptions / exceptions (← links)
- Line to take - LTT106 - Summaries of information under the EIR (← links)
- Line to take - LTT108 - Digests and Summaries under the FOIA (← links)
- Line to take - LTT110 - Drafts of documents where final versions are complete (← links)
- (← links)
- (← links)
- Line to take - LTT112 - The law of confidence & Human Rights Act 1998 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT113 - Definition of Legal Professional Privilege (← links)
- Line to take - LTT116 - Reasonable estimates (← links)
- Line to take - LTT114 - Assessing whether information has been communicated or made available (← links)
- Line to take - LTT117 - Threshold of adverse effect (← links)
- Line to take - LTT118 - Flaws in the application of s36 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT119 - Inter-relation between s21 & s39 FOIA and the EIRs (← links)
- Line to take - LTT120 - Advice and assistance - erroneous reliance on s14 or derogation (← links)
- Line to take - LTT122 - Documents containing both environmental & other information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT123 - Vexatious requests (← links)
- Line to take - LTT124 - Multiple data subjects (← links)
- (← links)
- Line to take - LTT121 - Information held (on balance of probabilities) test (← links)
- Line to take - LTT126 - Failure to identify questions as requests (← links)
- Line to take - LTT127 - Scope & overlap of s35(1)(a) and s35(1)(b) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT128 - Wider impact of disclosure on the conduct of good government (← links)
- Line to take - LTT129 - Safe space arguments (← links)
- Line to take - LTT130 - "Chilling effect" arguments (← links)
- Line to take - LTT132 - Public Interest in protecting collective Cabinet responsibility (← links)
- Line to take - LTT134 - Realistic expectation of confidentiality under s27(2) and (3) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT135 - Confidentiality and information "obtained from" under s27(2) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT136 - Nature of prejudice to international relations under s27(1) (and potentially applicable to Regulation 12(5)(a)) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT137 - Refined and clarified requests as "new" requests (← links)
- Line to take - LTT138 - Degree of similarity required in order to aggregate requests (← links)
- Line to take - LTT139 - Extent to which information referred to in court (in criminal proceedings) is in the public domain (← links)
- Line to take - LTT141 - Advice and assistance in relation to s12 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT142 - Specifying steps in relation to advice and assistance (← links)
- Line to take - LTT143 - Reasonably accessible information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT144 - Personal data - anonymised statistics (← links)
- Line to take - LTT145 - Aggregation of multiple requests within a single item of correspondence (← links)
- Line to take - LTT146 - Public Interest Test for "raw notes" and "aide memoire notes" (← links)
- Line to take - LTT147 - "Manifestly unreasonable" in relation to the cost of complying with a request (← links)
- Line to take - LTT150 - "Meta-requests" (requests about requests) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT151 - Examples where information is accepted as reasonably accessible to the applicant (← links)
- Line to take - LTT152 - Naming Officials representing Lobbyists and Public Authorities (← links)
- (← links)
- Line to take - LTT154 - The right to specify the form in which a copy is provided (← links)
- Line to take - LTT155 - Gateway Reviews are an audit function (← links)
- Line to take - LTT156 - Form & Format and the Right to Inspect (← links)
- Line to take - LTT158 - Functions exercised for specified purposes under section 31 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT157 - Listed Buildings (← links)
- (← links)
- Line to take - LTT160 - Confidentiality of commercial or industrial information (← links)
- Line to take - LTT161 - Public interest factors for regulation 12(5)(e) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT162 - Anonymising Post codes (← links)
- Line to take - LTT163 - Fairness (← links)
- Line to take - LTT164 - Fairness - Casework Examples for LTT163 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT165 - Section 40 Process Chart (← links)
- Line to take - LTT166 - Lawfulness (← links)
- Line to take - LTT167 - Consent (← links)
- Line to take - LTT168 - DPA "special purposes" & disclosures under FOI / EIR (← links)
- (← links)
- Line to take - LTT175 - Flowchart for LTT174 (← links)
- Line to take - LTT170 - Government Policy can be produced in many ways (← links)
- Line to take - LTT171 - Information vs documents (← links)
- Line to take - LTT174 - Calculating costs where request(s) span several access regimes (DPA/FOIA/EIR) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT172 - Meaning of the term "actionable" in section 41 cases (← links)
- Line to take - LTT173 - Impact of disclosure under FOIA on the voluntary supply of information to regulatory bodies (← links)
- Line to take - LTT176 - When does the public interest test apply to the exclusion from the duty to confirm or deny whether personal data is held (← links)
- Line to take - LTT177 - Advice and assistance where a request cannot be refined (← links)
- FOIA Section 11 (← links)
- EIR 12(5)(b) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT133 - Overview of Section 35 & Regulation 12(4)(e) Public Interest arguments (← links)
- Line to take - LTT140 - Pseudonyms (← links)
- Line to take - LTT43 - Guiding principles in relation to s35(1)(a) & Reg 12(4)(e) public interest (← links)
- Line to take - LTT57 - Schedule 2 Condition 6 of the DPA (← links)
- Line to take - LTT59 - Fair Processing Notices (← links)
- Line to take - LTT60 - Interpreting "proceedings" for the purposes of regulation 12(5)(d) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT104 - Information caught by regulation 12(4)(e) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT105 - Claims of more than one limb of s36(2) (← links)
- Line to take - LTT115 - Redaction and the Fees Regulations (← links)
- Line to take - LTT131 - Risk to the role and integrity of Civil Service (← links)
- Line to take - LTT148 - Public interest arguments presented in favour of maintaining a relevant exemption for withholding information on lobbyists (← links)
- Line to take - LTT149 - Public interest in disclosing information about lobbyists (← links)
- LTT178 - A public authority shall not charge for allowing an applicant to inspect information (← links)
- LTT179 - Section 22 only applies to information clearly intended for publication (← links)
- LTT180 - The endangerment test under s38 (← links)
- LTT181 - Information / Documents post-dating an investigation (← links)
- LTT182 - Vexatious requests under EIR (← links)
- LTT183 - Discretion to order no steps in a DN (← links)
- LTT184 - Functions and statutory bars (← links)
- LTT185 - Condition 5 Schedule 3 Data Protection Act 1998 (condition for processing sensitive personal data) (← links)
- LTT186 - When a refusal notice is not required in respect of a vexatious request (← links)
- LTT187 - Investigating procedural breaches - gateway line (← links)
- LTT188 - Issuing a DN in relation to information already disclosed (← links)
- LTT189 - Non-response cases (← links)
- LTT190 - Decision notices ordering the PA to reconsider the request (← links)
- LTT191 - Internal review under the EIR - issuing a DN requiring an internal review (← links)
- LTT192 - Rejecting procedural exemptions / exceptions (← links)
- LTT193 - Finding that further information is held approach to decision notices (← links)
- ICO policy documents: Line to Take/February 2011 (← links)
- LTTscratch (← links)
- FOIA Section 22A Exemption (← links)
- User:Alex skene/scratchpad/LTT temp (← links)
- User:Alex skene/LTTscratch (← links)
- Template:Copyright-ICO (← links)
- User:Alex skene (← links)
- Category:ICO Line To Take (← links)