From FOIwiki
Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50278279
- Date: 25/03/2010
- Public Authority: General Medical Council
- Summary: The complainant requested from the General Medical Council (GMC) a copy of employer comments that it might have received from a Hospital Trust in relation to a specified consultant. The GMC initially responded to the request in accordance with section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the �Act�), although it later sought to rely on section 40(5)(b)(i) at the internal review stage. The Commissioner has concluded that section 40(5)(b)(i) is engaged, as to confirm or deny whether the GMC held the requested information would disclose the personal data of the consultant, in contravention of the first data protection principle. The GMC is therefore not required to take any steps. The Commissioner, however, finds the GMC to have breached section 17(1)(b) in its processing of the request.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: {{{dnd_section}}} - "{{{dnd_section}}}" contains a listed "{" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid. - [[Property:{{{dnd_section}}}|Find other matching decisions]]