Authorities that link to WhatDoTheyKnow

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The following public authorities link to WhatDoTheyKnow:

  • Government Equalities Office: [1]
"Information already available
Written Parliamentary Answers by GEO’s Ministers can be found by searching Hansard or
Responses to Freedom of Information Act requests made to GEO via can be found here
GEO’s FOI Disclosure Log"
  • Cabinet Office: [2]
"3. Other key data: [...]
Over 100 Official and National statistics; all of the final research reports from our external research programme; Departmental Accounts; and, FOI responses we believe will be of wider public interest on our Freedom of Information Disclosure Log in addition to requests via"
  • HM Government - [3]
Post Office name, address and opening times
Problem: The Royal Mail provide a branch finder for information on the individual branches, however they won't provide a complete list. The did however confirm that the information is open for reuse:
  • Greater London Authority - [4]
Create data set suggestion
If you're looking for a specific piece of information rather than a raw figures, you may be better off making a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Have a look at to search public FoI requests or to make your own.
  • Transport for London (TfL) [5]
"An increasing trend is for replies to requests to be published by recipients, either through blogs or, more often, through the use of a website ( dedicated to enabling members of the public to make FOI requests to any public authority"
  • House of Commons [6]
FOI Briefing Note (15 October 2008)
"A MySociety website allows searches by public authority and is designed for requesters to make requests to public authorities, allowing the responses to be published automatically on the website. Some authorities have raised questions about copyright with relation to this approach."

Local authorities

Other public authorities

  • Public Services Ombudsman for Wales FOI page