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Vexatious and Repeated Requests

Relevant legislation sections:

  • Section 14(1) or (2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for vexatious or repeated requests
  • Section 14(1) or (2) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 for vexatious or repeated requests and

  • Environmental Information Regulations have provisions for refusing to answer "manifestly unreasonable" requests which are equivalent.
  • In Scotland these are regulations 10(4)(b) & (c): Scottish public authorities may refuse requests for environmental information that are manifestly unreasonable, while regulation 10(4)(c) justifies refusal where requests are formulated in too general a manner.
  • In the rest of the UK, this is regulation 12(4)(b) - "[where] the request for information is manifestly unreasonable;"
  • Regulation 12(4)(b) of the EIR is also used as an exemption for the that would usually exceed the approved limits in terms of cost of information retrieval.
  • Relevant Information Commissioner decision notices:

  • Relevant Information Tribunal cases: all appeals on Section 14 have been dismissed.

  • Relevant Scottish Information Commissioner Decisions: numbers 063/2005 Macroberts and Caledonian MacBrayne Limited (29/11/05) and Decision 062/2005 Macroberts and the Scottish Executive (29/11/ 2005).