From FOIwiki
Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FER0178169
- Date: 27/01/2009
- Public Authority: Transport for London
- Summary: The complainant made a request to Transport for London (�TfL�) for copies of the legal advice and correspondence it had received in relation to the introduction of the London Low Emission Zone. TfL refused to disclose this information as it believed that regulation 12(5)(b) of the EIR applied, and the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighed the public interest in disclosure. After investigating the case the Commissioner decided that regulation 12(5)(b) was engaged, and that the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. Therefore he has decided that TfL was correct to withhold the information in question.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: {{{dnd_section}}} - "{{{dnd_section}}}" contains a listed "{" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid. - [[Property:{{{dnd_section}}}|Find other matching decisions]]